#3 A Week In Beer: Exmoor, Two Cocks, Kona, Arbour

#3 Exmoor Ales, Viscount, Classic Kona, Arbour Mosaic IPA...

Good morning,

All sorts of beer to talk about this week; maybe I drank too much!

On Monday I tried a few of varying quality, and all of which were relatively fruity. Except for the Seafarer's.

Yes, the Seafarer's was the first beer I tried this week and my word was it so painstakingly average. It was Fuller's, so what should I have expected? The badge is pretty I guess? Beer was a relatively flavourless bitter in taste, but a little deceptively light on the eye. Tasted like malty water. 2/5.

Seafarers, Fuller's. The Lamb Inn, Newbury.
I then moved back to my beloved home (The Catherine Wheel) to test out the Bristol-brewed Arbour range that had been a fridge takeover from the week before. Now, whilst Mosaic hops are one of my favourites, I'm not super keen on their Mosaic IPA that I tried on Monday. It was a little less hoppy, a little too smooth and fruity for what I was after. Still a good beer though, I'm sure. 3/5.

Mosaic IPA, Arbour Ales. The Catherine Wheel, Newbury.
This week further on I had a little Kona Big Wave, from Hawaii, to cleanse the palette (great bottled pale, which I'm sure many of us have tried before). I had a Viscount, from Two Cocks Brewery, another local brew for me. It was way too citrusy for my taste and for some reason we did not get on that evening. Me and some beers have a strange, testing relationship. 

Later on in the week at The Catherine Wheel however, is when we hit TOP form for beer, and hoppy pales. The Longdog brewery's Mosaic is a quality pint, and exactly how I feel Mosaic hops should be used for a pale. The Exmoor Ales 'Exile Wicked Wolf' (quality name) is a fantastic beer of a brilliant fruity and hoppy nature, whilst being a real easy drinker too. I also had one can this week, of Reunion Ales Pale and it was most certainly lovely. Unfined from a can often puts people off but this was a really nice hoppy pale, full of flavour. 

Big Wave, Kona Brewing. The Catherine Wheel, Newbury (feat. Nick)
But I think my favourite beer of the week has to go to the DADDY of pales you could consume at The Wheel this week, and that be the wonderful Village Idiot, by White Horse Brewery. Despite it being labelled a golden bitter, with a malty touch (I question that), it tastes like a gorgeous hoppy pint of deliciousness and could be drunk by many a village idiot like myself across the land. 

So yes, that's my beer of the week. My blunder of the week was probably that Fuller's rubbish I drank on Monday. 

Had any great beers this week? Let me know in the comment section, alongside whatever you disagree with me on! 

Also, follow Lee Robert Bouzida and The Catherine Wheel on Untappd!

See you next week!

LB x


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